Philosophic Questions

  1. Why such a huge panic the pandemic of COVID-19 has brought us, while we have already exactly known all the bases sequence of the genome of SARS-CoV-2?

2. What secret stories those tremendous figures in the molecular biomedicines tell us? How those massive factors cooperate with each other??

(2-1)A human body consists of as many as 3.72 trillion cells;

(2-2) Each cell has a genome containing about 6.4 billion base pairs (BPs);

(2-3) A human genome contains about 20,000 genes;

(2–4-1) Each infected person by SARS-CoV-2 carries an estimated 1 billion to 100 billion (or 1 × 10^11) virions during peak infection,

(2-4-2) SARS-CoV-2 mutation rate estimates of around (1-2)×10^6 mutations per nucleotide per replication cycle. And the genome of SARS-CoV-2 contains about 30,000 (or 3×10^4) nucleotides. and


3. A fact is hardly understood by the common sense that it seems there are only those strains of SRAS-CoV-2 in this pandemic COVID-19, whereas some research estimated that “there are a minimum of 320,000 mammalian viruses awaiting discovery” (see the Ref. 1). Why?

4.When you are enjoying a famous picture, say, “the Mona Lisa”, do you get more understanding if using a microscope?

5. Is “(seeds plus mouse) in an unstructured room” equal to “(seeds plus mouse) in a structured room”?

6. The life systems are the highly evolved complex systems, what are they?

7. The molecule biomedicines (MBMs) have created the astronomical amounts of the code-like information (CLI), e.g., the virus SARS-CoV-2, seen only under electron microscope, has thirty thousand bases in its genome, how the modern medicines can understand, operate or calculate them? (See Figure-1)

A Chaotic Condition which is out of control

Figure-1 The imaginary picture shows that the Cytokine Storm (CS) is a severe chaotic and life-threatening medical condition and a intractable situation for the molecule biomedicines (MBMs). CS may be caused by many reasons, including virus infections, such as SARS-CoV-2. The pathology of CS involves a massive number of physiological and pathological factors, for examples, the cytokines, cells, immune response mechanisms (e.g. biological pattern recognitions, gene expressions) and other processes (e.g. signal pathways), and so on. Those factors interact with each other in a way of extreme complex network. (The elements of the picture are from the INTERNET Sources).