Recent Publications
1. Hanfei Bao: The Generalized Biology Mechanics and the Molecule Biomedicines —-BMKI and SARS-CoV-2(I)
2. Hanfei Bao: The Automatic Semantic Operations and Calculations in the Molecular Biomedicines —-BMKI and SARS-CoV-2 (II)
3. A Bridge Between Natural Language-And Ontology-based Biomedical Resources —-The Examples of Biomedical Knowledge Expressed by SLHMR I. The Structured Language Readable To Human And Machine(SLHMR)
Earlier Publications
1. Bao Hanfei: The Theory of Biomedical Knowledge Integration(Ⅰ), Chinese Journal of Medical Treatment, 2(13): 1-6, 2003
2. Bao Hanfei: The Theory of Biomedical Knowledge Integration(Ⅱ)—-What is underlying the domain concepts, Chinese Journal of Medical Treatment, 2(21): 1-6, 2003
3. Bao Hanfei: The Theory of Biomedical Knowledge Integration (Ⅲ), Chinese Journal of Medical Treatment, Vol(3),No(7),2004
4.Bao Hanfei: The Theory of Biomedical Knowledge Integration (Ⅳ), Medical Information, 18(6), 545-550, 2005
5.Bao Hanfei:The Theory of Biomedical Knowledge Integration (Ⅴ)——The meta-dimensions and their combination of the General Linkage/Modifiers of SNOMED, Medical Information, 18(10): 1227-1232,2005
6.Bao Hanfei:The Theory of Biomedical Knowledge Integration (Ⅵ), Medical Information, 19(2): 183-190,2006
7.Bao Hanfei: The Theory of Biomedical Knowledge Integration (VII)—-The Non-Euclid Macro-Micro Transform Law, Medical Information, 19(11), 1899-1907, 2006
8.Bao Hanfei:The Theory of Biomedical Knowledge Integration (VIII)——The Intrinsic Medical Informatics (IMI) and Meta-dimensions (MDs) of SNOMED, Medical Information, 21(7): 997-1002,2008
9. Bao Hanfei:The Theory of Biomedical Knowledge Integration (IX) —-A venture in methodology for operations on the cognitive segment in HER, Medical Information, 21(7): 1003-1010,2008
10. Bao Hanfei: <The Theory of Biomedical Knowledge Integration> (Book, In Chinese), ZheJiang University Press, 2010
21. Hanfei Bao, et al.: Automatic classification of white blood cells based on Multiple Sequential Grey Level Thresholds for segmentation exploration of a new method, The proceedings of MEDINFO 86, 653-656, 1986
22. Hanfei Bao, et al.: Automated White Blood Cell Classification Revisted, Med. Inform. 1987, 12:23-31
23. E.S. Gelsema, Bao H. et al.: Application of the method of multiple thresholding to white blood cell classification, Comput. Biol. Med. 1988, 18:65-74
24. Hanfei Bao, et al.: Multiple Sequential Thresholds Technique in Automated White Blood Classification,J. Tongji Med. Univ.1987, 7 (4): 208-213
25. 包含飞等: 白细胞自动分类的一种新方法, 同济医科大学学报, 1987, (4):233-236
26. 包含飞等: 泛系识别及其在医学中的应用, 科学探索学报, 1987, 3: 49-51
27. 包含飞: 泛系全息重演与医学新研究, 襄樊大学学报, 1987, 1: 16-19
28. 包含飞: 瞄准未来, 迎接挑战, 电脑与医学, 1988, (1):1-4 9. 包含飞: 医学-计算机-数学和工程, 电脑与医学 1989, (1):8-10
29包含飞: 体视学有关实用问题(研究生选修课讲义)
30.包含飞: 计算机对医学形态学的新贡献—立体重建及测量技术, 世界医学新息, 1989, 4(7-8):145-146
31. Su Z.F.,Liu X.X. Bao H.: Identification of the Phase of Mitosis of High Resolution Human Chromosome by Coding Medthod, An Application of Pansystem Theory, The Proceeding of MEDINFO 89, 1989, 844-847
32.包含飞等:监测活系统生化代谢的新方法━━核磁共振, 国外医学:分子生物学分册, 1982, 4(6):258-261
33.包含飞等: 泛系医学识别与一种新型的白细胞自动识别法, 中医系统工程, 1986, (5):14-16
34.包含飞、刘希贤、陈传胜、刘少纯: 通用识别系统在染色体分析中的应用, 同济医科大学学报, 1989, 18(3):152-155.
34.Bao H.F.: The structure characteristics of the new research QMSOC and its relevant operators, J Tongji Med Univ, 1989, 9(4):235-238
35.Bao H.F.: Quantitative and Computerized Medicine–New research QMSOC(I), The proceeding of the First Conference of the Frontier for Life Sciences on Central-south China, 1989, 211-216
36.Bao H.F.: The quantitative integration of biomedical information by computer–New research QMSOC(II), The Proceeding of the First Conference of the Frontier for Life Sciences in Central-south China, 1989, 216-222
37.Bao H.F.: The new functions of Quantitatively Medicine Simulating and Operating by Computer-New research QMSOC(III), 1990, J Tongji Med. Univ, 10(1): 52-56
38.包含飞、刘庚妹: 计算机编码技术(HICE)及其初级信息开发功能──新研究QMSOC(V), 计算机应用研究(1991年专集第2号), 1992, 4-9
39.包含飞: 医学的计算机定量模拟和运算的结构特点及有关算子, 同济医科大学学报, 1990, 19(2): 125-128
40.张长征、李维、包含飞: QMSOC医学模式的进一步探讨, 电脑与医学, 1990, (1): 33-34
41.刘庚妹、包含飞:计算机编码编辑技术(HICE)在小儿糖尿病中的应用, 《新 学科与编辑学》, 成都, 成都科技大学出版社, 1989, 267-270
42.包含飞: 计算机整合编辑的信息开发功能, 计算机与现代化, 1990, (3):19-21
43.包含飞: QMSOC与计算机辅助教学, 医学教育, 1991, (6): 21-23
44.Bao H.F., Geng J.H. and Su Z.F.: Pansystems Methodology(PM) and a new research on large-scale in tegration of biomedicine—An introduction of QMSOC and its recent progresses , Acta of Jiansu Industrial College, Journal of Jiangsu Institute of Technology, 1991, 4 (2): 69-75
45.Bao H.F.: Information Medicine and its primary function of exploitation of medical resources, J Tongji Med Univ, 1991, 11 (1): 59-64
46.敖竹君、包含飞、王庆堂: 几种动物胰岛A、B细胞频数分布的体视学立体重 建──QMSOC的一个重要运算, 中国体视学会图象技术交流会(CSSIA’90)论 文集, 1991, 37-45
47.Ao Z.J., Bao H.F. and Wang Q.T.: Reconstruction of the frequency distribution of A, B-cell size in the pancreatic islets from several animal species — An important stereological operation in QMSOC, J Tongji Med. Univ., 1991, 11(4): 214-219
48.秦光明、刘胜洪、马瑞君、包含飞: 人参对大鼠G、D细胞影响的微机处理──QMSOC的参数图形分析功能的应用,计算机应用研究(1991年专辑第2号), 1991, 9-12
49.包含飞、刘俊英、马正立、施玉华、顾杰、沈星荣: 一种泛系关系: 广义相空间分析在乳腺良恶性肿瘤细胞形态学的非线性特征研究中的应用──QMSOC的PHASE8功能模块, 数理医药学杂志, 1993, 6(3): 16 – 20
50.刘少纯、耿京汉、包含飞: 多学科整合性计算机医学辅助教学系统人体分化模块 (DIFM)──QMSOC与计算机辅助医学教学(I), 计算机应用研究1992专集, 1992, 137-138
51.张婉荣、车东媛、包含飞、耿京汉: 慢性阻塞性肺疾病时肺动脉病理改变的图象分析, 中华医学杂志, 1991, 71(12): 702-704
52.包含飞、杨传伟、潘立明、曹根喜: 中医辨证施治的一种唯象拟定量泛权模式──QMSOC与中医文献工程(I), 医学与哲学, 全国中西医比较研究学术论文集, 1992, 233-234
53.包含飞、敖竹君、马正立、施玉华、徐维蓉、卫利平: QMSOC的二维截面──三维球体大小分布转化功能模块, 中华物理医学杂志, 1992, 14(4): 37-40
54.包含飞、王梅娟、沈星荣、许青: QMSOC的结构、功能及应用,生物医学工程学杂志, 1993, 10(1): 87-91
55.Bao H.F., Wang M.J., Shen X.R., Xu Q: The structure and capacities of QMSOC and its application to the researches on traditional Chinese herb Ren Shen ect., Research and Application on Traditional Chinese Medical Engineering, pp349, 1992
56.Zhang W.R., Che D.V., Bao H.F. and Geng J.H.: An image analysis on pathological changes in pulmonary arteries in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. J Tongji Med Univ, 1992, 12(1): 17-22
57.包含飞: 生命科学的哲学核心是非线性问题, 医学与哲学, 1994, (1):11-13
58.敖竹君、王庆堂、包含飞: 蟾蜍胰腺内分泌细胞的形态学和体视学研究, 动物学杂志, 1992, 13(4): 299-304
59.刘俊英、耿京汉、包含飞: 乳腺良恶性肿瘤的计算机自动分析和识别──兼及QMSOC的若干功能,数理医药学杂志 (已接受,待发表)
60.包含飞、王奕、敖竹君: 整合性关系化医学电子书的单纯性传递性知识链的自动推导──QMSOC与计算机辅助教学(III), 医学教育, 1994,(8):12-23
61.包含飞: 整合性关系化电子医学书(IRMEB)──QMSOC与计算机辅助教学(II), 中国高等教育研究论丛, 成都: 成都科技出版社, vol.4, p651-654, 1993
62.包含飞: 非线性自组织理论进化观的若干要点, 医学与哲学,1994,(8):16-18
63.刘少纯、王奕、包含飞: IRMEB的传递性树状知识自动提取及推导功能与胚胎分化教学(待发表)
64.包含飞,王奕,敖竹君:医学知识的4码化关系化以及自动提取和推导—-整合性关系化医学电子书(IRMEB)研究进展, CMIA’94论文集,1994,678-683
65.包含飞,王奕,刘少纯: 整合性关系化医学电子书(IRMEB)的背景,结构,程序研制及功能—QMSOC与计算机辅助医学教学(IV), <<计算机应用研究>>1995年第2号增刊,1995,37-40
66.Bao H.F.,Ni X.W.,Lou S.: Integratable Relationized Medical Electronic Book (IRMEB)— An Exploration of An New Type of Intellegent Knowledge Medium Under the Influence of Pansystems Theory. Advances in Systems Science and Applications (Inauguration Issue) 1995,p304-309
67.包含飞, 倪小卫: 从泛系医学看中医学的形式化—QMSOC与中医文献工程(II), 中国高校科学,9(2),p90-93,1996
68.包含飞, 阮良能, 杨璐: 高等学校全面学分制教学数据计算机处理若干技术探讨中国高校科学,9(2),p393-395,1996
73.Bao H.F:The Integrating Engineering of Medical Knowledge by Computer under the Influence of Pansystems Theory,General Systems Studies and Applications,358-363,1997
74.包含飞: 考试成绩的标准化及群体内部淘汰方法—-高等学校全面学分制计算机辅助管理研究之三, 计算机应用研究, 14(2):149-151,1997
75.包含飞:创建一种人机共解互通的医学语言(西医学部分),第八届全国医药信息学大会论文集,CMIA 99′(<电子工程师>增刊),1999,98:18-24
76. Bao H.F., HCSL: A Human-Computer Commonly Understandable Medical Language, The Proceedings of The First China-Japan-Korea Symposium on Medical Informatics(CJKMI’99),177-181,1999
78 Bao H.F., Wang Z.F.and Ji H.L.: The Intelligent Medical Book IREMB on Internet developed of under the influence of Pansystems Theory, Systems Science and Its Applications, The 3th workshop IIGSS, 478-481, 1998.
79 包含飞:创建一种人机共解互通的医学语言(西医学部分),《第八届全国医药信息学大会论文集,CMIA’99(电子工程师增刊)》,1999,98:18-24
80 包含飞:在E&R基础上建成国际一流的中医学智能化Internet网站,中国中医基础杂志,2000,6(3):p56-59
81 包含飞等:论医学知识标准化的复杂性和HCSL进展,医学信息,14(3):126-128,2001
82 刘沁,包含飞:人机共享语言HCSL(医学)第二版的计算机实现,中外名医杂志,(1):78-80,2001
83 Bao H.F.,Liu Q., Feng L.:Medical “Computman”: A Kind of Pansystem in the Processes, Operations and Integerations of Medical Knowledge, (Accepted by the Pittsburgh International Pansystems Workshop)
84 包含飞等:中医学概念的信息学及中西医学互通性初探—-关于中医学标准化的预备性研究之一,(待发表)
85. Hanfei Bao (Chief Translator), at al: <Medical Informatics> (Book, a translation from English to Chinese); Original Book<The Handbook of Medical Informatics>, Edited by JH van Bemmel and MA Musen),Shanghai: Shanghai Science & Technology Press, 2002
86. Hanfei Bao:<Some Applicational Problems of Stereology>(a teaching material for a training course, not a formal publication)




